Texas State Technical College's Fan Box

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Information Overload

Ouch! I just got poked. A friend of mine just read my blog and commented to me about it... which served as a reminder that I've not been good about keeping this up. So... I'm back! Here's one of the many things that's on my mind.

At the moment, I'm on my laptop while my daughter and her friend ahem... sing... with ROCK BAND in the next room, my phone is at my side in case I'm needed by my husband or son. Facebook and Gmail are open on other tabs in my browser, in addition to my work email. I find myself going back and forth between them all.

That being said... I feel pretty scattered and I don't think I'm alone in this problem. For exsample, at least once or twice A DAY either one of my coworkers, or me myself and I find that I have skimmed over an email and not read it to the point of comprehension...forget about it altogether, or lose an important message/attachment.

It's as if I've just going too many directions at once... am I alone or does this happen to others? What do you/should we do about it?